How The Right Diet Helps to Build Muscle Mass
Building up muscle mass takes time and daily commitment to a well-structured exercise and diet programme. Even if you have less muscle than a jellyfish, rest assured that you can significantly grow muscle within just a few months by following the right training techniques and diet regime. What do you need to consider in terms of training and what are the diet and supplement essentials that can help you bulk up to your heart’s content?
Work Out Your Workout
Are you an absolute beginner? Start by building realistic expectations of the results you’d like to achieve within a particular timeframe. Start by measuring your body; according to a major study, the level of muscle mass you can achieve is relative to the size of your skeleton, i.e. The larger your frame, the more chances you have of gaining more muscle. Next, assess the time it will take; beginners are able to gain several inches within three months, and a couple more within the next two-to-three-month period.
Carving out time for your workout is another vital factor in success. At the start, you’ll need three one-hour sessions at the gym. Make the most of that time by seeking out a training programme by an experienced bodybuilding coach, who can direct you to the most effective routines. If you can’t afford a trainer now, do thorough research online – there are numerous highly reputable trainers out there offering free and customised programmes.
Above all, when it comes to the training part, it’s key to build a programme centred around your body’s specific needs and abilities, as these vary. But some general tips by experts for reaching your desired results include:
* Vary your training: Change it up, working out several muscle groups at once, or focusing on one area, combining gym training with weightlifting, squats, sit-ups and HIT with outdoor runs, swimming, cycling or other cardio that helps build muscle.
* Take it slowly: Build up slowly, increasing weight gradually. Discomfort is good, pain is not.
* Make sleep a top priority: Getting enough zzzs will make a huge difference to how resilient, focused and energised you are.
Muscle Mass-Boosting Nutrition Plan
Building muscle mass requires that you eat. A lot. Protein, which we’ll get to soon, is the star ingredient of your muscle-building regimen, but so are calories overall. Muscles need food to grow. A good tip is to start tracking your calorie intake to understand your baseline calorie amount ahead of starting. On average, experts advise you to gain around one pound per week, by eating your three main meals with smaller meals in between.
But what to eat? Try to get a good balance of the following in your daily diet:
Make healthy (unsaturated) fats, such as olive oil, avocados, fish, nuts, seeds, grass-fed butter, coconut oil, eggs, MCT oil, full-fat yoghurt or grass-fed beef, basic staples in your diet.
Be well hydrated, pre, during and post workouts. Sweating causes water loss that impairs muscle recovery, thus preventing the increase of muscle mass.
Base 90% of your food intake on whole foods (i.e., Avoid processed foods, which are high in trans-fats, sugar, syrups, toxic oils, nitrates, or chemicals). These include eggs, meat, rice, pulses, quinoa, oats etc.
Carbohydrates are very important in the muscle-mass boosting formula. Research has repeatedly shown that eating plenty of carbs mainly post-workout helps build muscle faster because they raise your insulin levels, which means protein breakdown is slowed down. Foods high in carbs include rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, quinoa, legumes, root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes and beets, squashes, fruit and oats.
Enter Protein
Protein is a bodybuilder’s BFF. The more your body accumulates, via protein synthesis, the more muscles can grow. Experts agree that you should consume at least one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight to grow muscle. Introducing higher amounts of protein into your diet should ideally be achieved by combining protein-rich foods as well as protein powders, which can be added to a shake or juice and drunk pre-workout as well as at breakfast or in the evening.
Protein-rich foods include red and white meat, fish (especially salmon, tuna and sardines), eggs (especially the whites), dairy, pulses (especially chickpeas, green and black lentils and red and black beans), nuts (especially almonds), seeds (especially pumpkin), tofu.
Protein powders are not optional but essential if you want to see results. To estimate how much you need, multiply 0.6/0.8 times your body weight in pounds; if your weight is 150lbs then you will need 90g of powder. Aim to make shakes that include amino acids, especially leucine (around 6g), and carbs (around 35g) for the best results.
The most highly recommended types of protein powder to consume are whey, pea, collagen, casein, rice, almond and soy. You can buy them pure or in ready-made combinations that include flavouring (e.g., chocolate) or are a blend of plant-based powders. Top tip: Always aim for organic and pure.
Would you like to find out what your muscle quality is, and what you need to improve it? By taking a blood test and sending it to our lab, you will receive a sophisticated reading of all your biomarkers. You’ll gain an easy, fast and thorough understanding of your protein levels. Additionally, our experts will supply you with a full list of 100% customised advice on how you can attain the ideal balance for you by choosing the right diet. Order your test kit now!