How to Combat Fatigue
Find yourself dragging your feet lately? Or feeling that most of the things in life that once got you going are but a distant memory? Fatigue is an ongoing sense of heavy tiredness that comes with several symptoms, from mental fog and strain to physical exhaustion, disturbed sleep and a serious lack of motivation.
Fatigue can result from various kinds of factors – from a poor diet and too many late nights to unchecked medical issues and grief. It can be dangerous in that it may encourage you to engage in impetuous behaviors that aggravate the problem – eating too much junk food or drinking extra caffeine or alcohol to get a quick “feel-good” fix, sitting up too late “to unwind”, or not working out as much because you feel too wiped out.
Are you suffering from fatigue?
Fatigue can start to show up in a number of ways that, after a few days or weeks begin to become problematic. Aching or sore muscles, sleepiness throughout the day, headache, irritability, lack of focus or drive, gastrointestinal issues (abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, bloating) and vision problems are some of the most common.
Signs of advanced fatigue can range from moderate to impactful symptoms like anemia, cold or flu, brainfog, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, eating disorder and arthritis to potentially (if left untreated) life-threatening ones like liver or kidney disease, emphysema, cancer, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, congestive heart failure and mental health issues.
Daily habits to combat fatigue
If you are suffering from a level of fatigue that is longstanding and affecting your life in significant ways, it’s vital that you check your blood by taking a Biostarks blood test that can easily, quickly and painlessly reveal exactly what’s going on in your body.
There are, however some daily practices you can follow to assist you in the process of reversing, lessening and hopefully obliterating fatigue. These are:
Getting regular exercise, between three and six times per week, even if it is only 10-15 minutes at a time, can seem a daunting task when you feel run down, but will soon enough help “restart” your system. Gentle yet intense exercise like yoga, Chi Gong and Tai Chi can be very helpful if you’d rather do shorter bouts more regularly, while taking long, brisk walks, ideally in nature, can stimulate your blood circulation and oxygenate your blood and organs.
Better Sleep
Try to start winding down a few hours before bed by dimming lights, eating at least three hours before you hit the sack, taking a hot bath or shower, reading a book (avoid screens) and perhaos taking a supplement like magnesium or magnesium, and aim to be asleep by eleven at the latest.
Rest Up
It may sound obvious, yet often the most obvious options are the most overlooked. Look at all the activities you usually engage in during the week and seriously consider whether you need to do all these things or if you can minimize your program by doing at least a third less. Use the time you shave off your busy routine to simply relax.
The Anti Fatigue Diet
As with most illnesses, diet plays an imperative role in keeping your body and mind in balance, and can make all the difference between living a fatigued and dynamic existence. Keep the following things in mind in your effort to combat fatigue:
Stay Well Hydrated
Dehydration can seriously affect physical and mental performance, reducing energy and alertness. Try to drink eight glasses of water (this can also be in the form of unsweetened herbal tea) per day, starting with one in the morning upon waking and ending with one in the evening an hour before bed.
Eat smaller portions more often
Studies have shown that by eating smaller portions of ideally vitamin-rich, unprocessed foods throughout the day rather than three full meals helps to balance sugar levels, which keeps your energy on an even keel.
Limit caffeine and alcohol
Both are stimulants that can send your energy crashing hours after being consumed and can also lead to the release of adrenaline, which puts your body into a state of alarm, causing emotional upsets and sleep disturbances and consequently a greater sense of fatigue to follow.
Be picky with the foods you eat
Some foods are certainly more beneficial to someone suffering from fatigue than others. The following are the most highly recommended by medical health professionals:
Bananas are high in potassium, fiber and carbohydrates, a combination that offers prolonged energy. Fiber helps prevent blood sugar spikes.
Spinach and kale as well as other dark leafy greens are rich in antioxidants, iron and vitamins. Iron helps to distribute oxygen, which the cells use as energy.
Oats, a great source of complex carbohydrates and fiber, are a great way to start the day.
Chia seeds, which can be sprinkled into a smoothie, yogurt or salad (1 tbsp will suffice) are a rich source of Omegas, fiber and protein.
Raw almonds are also rich in fiber as well as protein, vitamins A and E and magnesium. A handful is enough to boost mental focus and balance the nervous system while energizing the body.